Tuesday, 16 September 2014




Girl in bubble walker

Quasars give off more energy than 100 normal galaxies combined.

Many astronomers believe that quasars are the most distant objects yet detected in the universe. Quasars give off enormous amounts of energy - they can be a trillion times brighter than the Sun! Quasars are believed to produce their energy from massive black holes in the center of the galaxies in which the quasars are located. Because quasars are so bright, they drown out the light from all the other stars in the same galaxy.

Quasar at the heart of a galaxy

A Quasar

Despite their brightness, due to their great distance from Earth, no quasars can be seen with an unaided eye. Energy from quasars takes billions of years to reach the Earth's atmosphere. For this reason, the study of quasars can provide astronomers with information about the early stages of the universe.

The word quasar is short for "quasi-stellar radio source". This name, which means star-like emitters of radio waves, was given in the 1960s when quasars were first detected. The name is retained today, even though astronomers now know most quasars are faint radio emitters. In addition to radio waves and visible light, quasars also emit ultraviolet rays, infrared waves, X-rays, and gamma-rays. Most quasars are larger than our solar system. A quasar is approximately 1 kiloparsec in width.

A Question
What is the average width of a quasi-stellar radio source?

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Did you know?

The Answer
The Answer


And the answer is...


A quasar is approximately 1 kiloparsec in width.


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Quasars: Brightest Objects in the Universe


by Nola Taylor Redd, SPACE.com Contributor   |   August 23, 2012 06:13pm ET

Shining so brightly that they eclipse the ancient galaxies that contain them, quasars are distant objects powered by black holes a billion times as massive as our sun. These powerful dynamos have fascinated astronomers since their discovery half a century ago.

In the 1930s, Karl Jansky, a physicist with Bell Telephone Laboratories, discovered that the static interference on transatlantic phone lines was coming from the Milky Way. By the 1950s, astronomers were using radio telescopes to probe the heavens, and pairing their signals with visible examinations of the heavens.

Quasar Black Hole Water Vapor

This artist's concept illustrates a quasar, or feeding black hole, similar to APM 08279+5255, where astronomers discovered huge amounts of water vapor. Gas and dust likely form a torus around the central black hole, with clouds of charged gas above and below.
Credit: NASA/ESA

However, some of the smaller point-source objects didn't have a match. Astronomers called them "quasi-stellar radio sources," or "quasars," because the signals came from one place, like a star.  Naming them didn't help determine what these objects were. It took years of study to realize that these distant specks, which seemed to indicate stars, are created by particles accelerated at velocities approaching the speed of light.

Light-speed jets

Scientists now suspect that the tiny, point-like glimmers are actually signals from galactic nuclei outshining their host galaxies. Quasars live only in galaxies with supermassive black holes — black holes that contain billions of times the mass of the sun. Although light cannot escape from the black hole itself, some signals can break free around its edges. While some dust and gas fall into theblack hole, other particles are accelerated away from it at near the speed of light. The particles stream away from the black hole in jets above and below it, transported by one of the most powerful particle accelerators in the universe.

Most quasars have been found billions of light-years away. Because it takes light time to travel, studying objects in space functions much like a time machine; we see the object as it was when light left it, billions of years ago. Thus, the farther away scientists look, the farther back in time they can see. Most of the more than 2,000 known quasars existed in the early life of the galaxy. Galaxies like the Milky Way may once have hosted a quasar that has long been silent.

Quasars emit energies of millions, billions, or even trillions of electron volts. This energy exceeds the total of the light of all the stars within a galaxy. Thebrightest objects in the universe, they shine anywhere from 10 to 100,000 times brighter than the Milky Way.

Family tree

Quasars are part of a class of objects known as active galactic nuclei (AGN). Other classes include Seyfert galaxies and blazars. All three require supermassive black holes to power them.

Seyfert galaxies are the lowest energy AGN, putting out only about 100 kiloelectronvolts (KeV). Blazars, like their quasar cousins, put out significantly more energy.

Many scientists think that the three types of AGNs are the same objects, but with different perspectives. While the jets of quasars seem to stream at an angle generally in the direction of Earth, blazars may point their jets directly toward the planet. Although no jets are seen in Seyfert galaxies, scientists think this may be because we view them from the side, so all of the emission is pointed away from us and thus goes undetected.

— Nola Taylor Redd, SPACE.com Contributor


In the 1960s it was observed that certain objects emitting radio waves but thought to be stars had very unusual optical spectra. It was finally realized that the reason the spectra were so unusual is that the lines were Doppler shifted by a very large amount, corresponding to velocities away from us that were significant fractions of the speed of light. The reason that it took some time to come to this conclusion is that, because these objects were thought to be relatively nearby stars, no one had any reason to believe they should be receding from us at such velocities.

Quasars and QSOs
These objects were named Quasistellar Radio Sources (meaning "star-like radio sources") which was soon contracted to quasars. Later, it was found that many similar objects did not emit radio waves. These were termed Quasistellar Objects or QSOs. Now, all of these are often termed quasars (Only about 1% of the quasars discovered to date have detectable radio emission).

Here are some Hubble Space Telescope quasar images, and the following figure shows the quasar 3C273, which was the first quasar discovered and is also the quasar with the greatest apparent brightness. It will be discussed further below.

The quasar 3C273. Left image shows the quasar and the jet. Right image superposes on this contours of radio frequency intensity. The sharp radial lines from the quasar are optical spike artifacts because of its brightness (Source).

Quasars Are Related to Active Galaxies
The quasars were deemed to be strange new phenomena, and initially there was considerable speculation that new laws of physics might have to be invented to account for the amount of energy that they produced. However, subsequent research has shown that the quasars are closely related to the active galaxies that have been studied at closer distances. We now believe quasars and active galaxies to be related phenomena, and that their energy output can be explained using the theory of general relativity. In that sense, the quasars are certainly strange, but perhaps are not completely new phenomena.
Quasar Redshifts Imply Enormous Distance and Energy Output


The quasars have very large redshifts, indicating by the Hubble law that they are at great distances. The fact that they are visible at such distances implies that they emit enormous amounts of energy and are certainly not stars. The following image from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey shows the three most distant quasars known. The quasars are the faint red smudges near the head of each arrow. Their redshift parameters are 4.75, 4.90, and 5.00 respectively, which places them at distances of about 15 billion light years (Ref).
The Energy Source of Quasars is Extremely Compact
Quasars are extremely luminous at all wavelengths and exhibit variability on timescales as little as hours, indicating that their enormous energy output originates in a very compact source. Here are some light curves at different wavelengths illustrating the variability in intensity of some quasars and other active galaxies. Here is an explanation of these light curves. In all cases, the timescale for variability of the light from an active galaxy sets an upper limit on the size of the compact energy source that powers the active galaxy. These limits are typically the size of the Solar System or smaller.

Some quasars emit radio frequency, but most (99%) are radio quiet. Careful observation shows faint jets coming from some quasars. The above images of the quasar 3C273 illustrate both a jet in the optical image on the left and radio frequency emission associated with the jet on the right. Here are some spectra of quasars and other active galaxies - see the following description.

Relationship of Quasars and Active Galaxies
The quasars are thought to be powered by supermassive rotating black holes at their centers. Because they are the most luminous objects known in the universe, they are the objects that have been observed at the greatest distances from us. The most distant are so far away that the light we see coming from them was produced when the Universe was only one tenth of its present age.

The present belief is that quasars are actually closely related to active galaxies such as Seyfert Galaxies or BL Lac objects in that they are very active galaxies with bright nuclei powered by enormous rotating black holes. However, because the quasars are at such large distances, it is difficult to see anything other than the bright nucleus of the active galaxy in their case. As we have noted above, modern observations have begun to detect around some quasars jets and evidence for the surrounding faint nebulosity of a galaxy-like object.

Evolution of Quasars
The standard theory is that quasars turn on when there is matter to feed their supermassive black hole engines at the center and turn off when there is no longer fuel for the black hole. Recent Hubble Space Telescope observations indicate that quasars can occur in galaxies that are interacting with each other. This suggests the possibility that quasars that have turned off because they have consumed the fuel available in the original galaxy may turn back on if the galaxy hosting the quasar interacts with another galaxy in such a way to make more matter available to the black hole. Here is a recentsurvey of quasar host galaxies that sheds light on this issue.

Abundance of quasars as a function of the age of the Universe(Source: Bill Keel).

Abundance of Quasars in the Early Universe
Looking at large distances in the Universe is equivalent to looking back in time because of the finite speed of light. Thus, the observation of quasars at large distances and their scarcity nearby implies that they were much more common in the early Universe than they are now, as illustrated in the adjacent figure (see the Source for a further discussion of the figure).

This is one piece of evidence that argues against the steady state theory of the Universe but would be consistent with the big bang theory. We shall discuss this further below.

Hungry Black Holes
Notice that the greater abundance of quasars early in the Universe would be consistent with the mechanism discussed above whereby a quasar shuts off when its black hole engine has consumed the fuel available in the host galaxy. We would expect that generally in the early Universe there may have been more mass easily accessible to the black hole than later, after much of it had been consumed. Perhaps later quasars are more dependent on interactions between galaxies to disturb mass distributions and cause galaxies to begin to feed the hungry black hole.


Frequently Asked Questions About Quasars

Compiled by Dr. John Simonetti of the Department of Physics at Virginia Tech.

  1. What is your definition of a quasar?
  2. What do quasars have to do with black holes?
  3. How big are quasars compared to galaxies?
  4. Why do some quasars give off radio waves?
  5. About how long do quasars last?
  6. How long does it take for a quasar to form?
  7. How do quasars form?
  8. How difficult are quasars to study?
  9. Can anything develop from quasars after they die?
  10. What reasons do you find quasars interesting?
  11. Are the radio waves from objects in space any threat to us?
  12. How do some Quasars become radio-quiet?
  13. Do quasars have anything in common with a regular star?
  14. How are BL Lac objects formed compared to the way a quasar is formed?
  15. Are quasars related to pulsars? If so how?

What is your definition of a quasar?
This is best answered with history. When radio telescopes were first turned on the heavens, point sources of radio waves were discovered (along with spread-out regions of emission along our Milky Way). Astronomers using ordinary visible-light telescopes turned toward these radio points and looked to see what was there. In some cases a supernova remnant was found, in others, a large star-birth region, in others a distant galaxy. But in some places where point sources of radio waves were found, no visible source other than a stellar-looking object was found (it looked like a point of like --- like a star does). These objects were called the "qausi-stellar radio sources", or "quasars" for short. Later, it was found these sources could not be stars in our galaxy, but must be very far away --- as far as any of the distant galaxies seen. We now think these objects are the very bright centers of some distant galaxies, where some sort of energetic action is occurring, most probably due to the presence of a supermassive black hole at the center of that galaxy (supermassive = made up from a mass of about a billion solar masses).
What do quasars have to do with black holes?
See the above answer. It is thought the infall of matter into the supermassive black hole can result in very hot regions where huge energies are released, powering the quasar (i.e., producing the emitted light, etc.).
How big are quasars compared to galaxies?
Well, the region of intense visible emission is quite small compared to the rest of the galaxy that it is imbedded in. The visible emission only occurs very near the center of the galaxy. On the other hand, huge regions of radio emission, produced by the quasar, can stretch out to large distances outside the galaxy.
Why do some quasars give off radio waves?
The electrons near the center of the quasar can be accelerated to speeds near the speed of light. In the presence a magnetic field (which is present in these same regions), the electrons move along helical paths (paths that look like a stretched out slinky), and as a result, they emit radio waves (it's called synchrotron radiation, since these waves are observed on Earth when physicists send high energy electrons around in circles using magnetic fields, in particle accelerators call synchrotrons).
About how long do quasars last?
It appears galaxies may only act as quasars during the early stages of their lives, but it would still be for times of billions of years.
How long does it take for a quasar to form?
Nobody really knows, since we don't know exactly how they form! However, it can't take much longer than something like a billion years (the apparent answer to all questions about cosmology!).
How do quasars form?
See the above. But it's thought the process begins as gas collects near the center of a galaxy.
How difficult are quasars to study?
Not all that difficult, if you have a huge telescope! The Hubble Telescope, for example, is quite nice for various studies of quasars.
Can anything develop from quasars after they die?
Probably, the only thing that would be left is the supermassive black hole. In other words, the gas near it would have been used up, and so the quasar shuts off. But the remaining stars, etc., in the galaxy as a whole (i.e., not near the very center of the galaxy), would, of course, still be there.
What reasons do you find quasars interesting?
For one, they are only seen far away. Thus, since the light takes billions of years to get to us from a quasar, the quasars are all very old. There are no nearby quasars, so there are no young quasars; quasars are not made during our era of the universe, only during an ancient era. This also implies the universe was different place in the past (billions of years ago). It also says the galaxies we see around us now may have been quasars in the distant past; even our Milky Way galaxy may have been a quasar-like galaxy long ago --- now not much material falls into the large black hole at the Milky Way's center, so the radiation output from the center is not as great as it used to be.
Are the radio-waves from objects in space any threat to us?
No, they are extremely weak. The total energy collected by radio astronomers over the history of radio astronomy amounts to about the energy required for a mosquito to make one "push-up"!! The reason we don't receive lots more radiation is that the sources (e.g., the quasars) are so very far away.
How do some Quasars become radio-quiet?
That's not a well understood thing. It my have to do with the nature of the environment around the central black hole, the size of the black hole itself, and/or the orientation of the black hole and its surrounding, radiating disk of infalling material, as seen from Earth.
Do quasars have anything in common with a regular star?
No, except that quasars are in galaxies of stars.
How are BL Lac objects formed compared to the way a quasar is formed?
No real big difference. There are some "minor" differences having to do with time scales of intensity variation, and the presence or absence of certain features in the spectra of these objects.
Are quasars related to pulsars? If so how?
A pulsar is a much smaller mass object, much smaller in radius and not a black hole, but a neutron star (it "failed" to become a black hole during its birth due to a supernova explosion of some single star). However, the neutron star is nearly as compact as a black hole of that star's mass. Magnetic fields near the blackhole and a pulsar may be similar in structure and have something to do with some energy output of each.

Back to Frequently Asked Astronomy and Physics Questions


What Is A Quasar?


by FRASER CAIN on AUGUST 12, 2013

I love it when scientists discover something unusual in nature. They have no idea what it is, and then over decades of research, evidence builds, and scientists grow to understand what’s going on.

My favorite example? Quasars.

Astronomers first knew they had a mystery on their hands in the 1960s when they turned the first radio telescopes to the sky.

The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia is the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope. Credit: GBT, National Radio Astronomy ObservatoryThey detected the radio waves streaming off the Sun, the Milky Way and a few stars, but they also turned up bizarre objects they couldn’t explain. These objects were small and incredibly bright.

They named them quasi-stellar-objects or “quasars”, and then began to argue about what might be causing them. The first was found to be moving away at more than a third the speed of light.

But was it really?

An artist's conception of jets protruding from an AGN.

An artist’s conception of jets protruding from an AGN.

Maybe we were seeing the distortion of gravity from a black hole, or could it be the white hole end of a wormhole. And If it was that fast, then it was really, really far… 4 billion light years away. And it generating as much energy as an entire galaxy with a hundred billion stars.

What could do this?

Here’s where Astronomers got creative. Maybe quasars weren’t really that bright, and it was our understanding of the size and expansion of the Universe that was wrong. Or maybe we were seeing the results of a civilization, who had harnessed all stars in their galaxy into some kind of energy source.

Then in the 1980s, astronomers started to agree on the active galaxy theory as the source of quasars. That, in fact, several different kinds of objects: quasars, blazars and radio galaxies were all the same thing, just seen from different angles. And that some mechanism was causing galaxies to blast out jets of radiation from their cores.

But what was that mechanism?

This artist's concept illustrates a quasar, or feeding black hole, similar to APM 08279+5255, where astronomers discovered huge amounts of water vapor. Gas and dust likely form a torus around the central black hole, with clouds of charged gas above and below. Image credit: NASA/ESA

This artist’s concept illustrates a quasar, or feeding black hole, similar to APM 08279+5255, where astronomers discovered huge amounts of water vapor. Gas and dust likely form a torus around the central black hole, with clouds of charged gas above and below. Image credit: NASA/ESA

We now know that all galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers; some billions of times the mass of the Sun. When material gets too close, it forms an accretion disk around the black hole. It heats up to millions of degrees, blasting out an enormous amount of radiation.

The magnetic environment around the black hole forms twin jets of material which flow out into space for millions of light-years. This is an AGN, an active galactic nucleus.

An artist's impression of how quasars might be able to construct their own host galaxies. Image Credit: ESO/L. CalçadaWhen the jets are perpendicular to our view, we see a radio galaxy. If they’re at an angle, we see a quasar. And when we’re staring right down the barrel of the jet, that’s a blazar. It’s the same object, seen from three different perspectives.

Supermassive black holes aren’t always feeding. If a black hole runs out of food, the jets run out of power and shut down. Right up until something else gets too close, and the whole system starts up again.

The Milky Way has a supermassive black hole at its center, and it’s all out of food. It doesn’t have an active galactic nucleus, and so, we don’t appear as a quasar to some distant galaxy.

We may have in the past, and may again in the future. In 10 billion years or so, when the Milky way collides with Andromeda, our supermassive black hole may roar to life as a quasar, consuming all this new material.

If you’d like more information on Quasars, check out NASA’s Discussion on Quasars, and here’s a link to NASA’s Ask an Astrophysicist Page about Quasars.

We’ve also recorded an entire episode of Astronomy Cast all about Quasars Listen here, Episode 98: Quasars.

Sources: UT-Knoxville, NASA, Wikipedia

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About Fraser Cain

Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today. He's also the co-host ofAstronomy Cast with Dr. Pamela Gay.


Monday, 15 September 2014

Astronomers: Quasar mystery solved after 20 years


Jonathan Marker | Science Recorder | September 15, 2014


Astronomers: Quasar mystery solved after 20 yearsaAccording to NASA, quasars exhibit a broad range of outward appearances when viewed by astronomers, reflecting the variety in the conditions of the regions close to their centers.

Science Recorder Pro

According to a report from Carnegie Institution, quasars – the supermassive black holes that live at the center of distant massive galaxies – shine as the most brilliant beacons in the sky across the entire electromagnetic spectrum as a result of rapidly accreting matter into their gravitationally inescapable centers. Now, new research from Carnegie’s Hubble Fellow Yue Shen and Luis Ho of the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) at Peking University have solved a quasar mystery that astronomers have been puzzling over for 20 years.

The complete research findings appear in the September 11 issue of Nature, and shows that most observed quasar phenomena could be unified with two simple quantities: one that describes how efficiently the hole is being fed, and the other that reflects the viewing orientation of the astronomer.

According to NASA, quasars exhibit a broad range of outward appearances when viewed by astronomers, reflecting the variety in the conditions of the regions close to their centers. However, despite this diversity, quasars have a surprising amount of regularity in their quantifiable physical properties, which follow well-defined trends discovered over 20 years ago. Shen and Ho solved this puzzle in quasar research: What unifies these properties into this main sequence?

Via the largest and most harmonized sample thus far of over 20,000 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, combined with several novel statistical tests, Shen and Ho demonstrated that one particular property related to the accretion of the hole, called the Eddington ratio, is the driving force behind the so-called main sequence.

This ratio describes the efficiency of material fueling the black hole, the competition between the gravitational force pulling material inward and the luminosity driving radiation outward. This push and pull between gravity and luminosity has long been suspected to be the primary driver behind the so-called main sequence, and their work finally confirms this hypothesis.

Read more: http://www.sciencerecorder.com/news/astronomers-quasar-mystery-solved-after-20-years/#ixzz3DPUWsLYE

Mars mission: A confident Isro gearing up for insertion


Press Trust Of India  |  Bangalore

September 15, 2014 Last Updated at 20:40 IST

As India's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) raced for its tryst with the red planet on September 24, Indian space scientists are gearing up for the critical manoeuvre of the spacecraft, sounding confident about the mission's success.

The spacecraft has covered 98 per cent of its 300-day odyssey and the critical manoeuvre would be performed when the scientists restart the onboard liquid engine which is in sleep mode for nearly 10 months.

The MOM, India's first interplanetary mission, was launched on November 5, 2013 by India's workhorse Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle(PSLV) from the spaceport of Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

At a media briefing, ISRO said today it was confident about the MOM's success going by its performance so far.

Commands for inserting the Mars spacecraft into the Red Planet's orbit were being uploaded since yesterday and were expected to be completed today, it said.
"The remaining crucial thing is Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI), and if you see some missions have failed because of failures in estimates in the distance from the mars, and if you see the history they were at very early stages....," Isro scientific secretary V Koteswara Rao said.

"We are very confident; there is no reason, not to be confident going by the performance of the system so far. We have covered 98 per cent of the journey and another 2 per cent we are going to complete soon. We are very confident, teams are all very confident," he said.

If the Rs 450 crore MOM mission turns out to be a success, Isro would be the fourth space agency in the world to have sent a mission to Mars. European Space Agency (ESA) of European consortium, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the US and Roscosmos of Russia are the only three agencies which have so far sent their missions to the red planet. Only 21 of the total of 51 missions sent to Mars by various countries have been successful.

In the final critical manoeuvre, the space scientists would use the commands to fire the spacecraft's propulsion system for 24 minutes to slow it down just enough to be captured into the Martian orbit. The now shut off Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) engine has to be fired again for MOI, Rao said.

The engine stored in the orbit for about 300 days without operation has to be restarted which "is very essential for MOI." MOI will be performed on September 24 at around 7:30 AM, Rao said.

"When we go there, the distance between earth to the spacecraft will be 224 million km. Today, the distance between earth and Mars orbital spacecraft is 215 million km. The present one way communication is approximately 12 minutes."

He said out of the 666 million km, the spacecraft had covered 653 million km so far. "We are yet to go another 13 million km which tells us that 98 per cent of the journey has been covered so far." "The distance between Mars and MOM is 2.496 million km approximately now; all the subsystems of the space craft are in good health and payloads health is also normal," he added.

Rao said "If you see the history of the failed missions- they have failed at various stages, some have failed during the launch which we have crossed, some of them have failed during trans Mars injection which we have crossed, some of them were lost on the way- we have completed 98 per cent of the journey."

"The remaining crucial thing is Mars Orbit Insertion, and if you see some mission have failed because of failures in estimates in the distance from the Mars, and if you see the history they were at very early stages....," he added.

India would be the first Asian country to go to Mars and also the first to succeed in the maiden attempt if the mission is successful, Rao said.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Nothing Vedic in ‘Vedic Maths’

September 3, 2014

Updated: September 3, 2014 15:52 IST


Illustration by Satwik Gade.

Illustration by Satwik Gade.

Advocating ‘Vedic mathematics’ as a replacement for traditional Indian arithmetic is hardly an act of nationalism; it only shows ignorance of the history of mathematics

Gujarat has made it compulsory for school students to read the texts of Dinanath Batra, endorsed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. According to news reports, Mr. Batra has now proposed a non-governmental education commission which will Indianise education through, for instance, Vedic mathematics. The Minister for Education has also mentioned Vedic mathematics as part of her agenda.

Ignorant of tradition

One appreciates the desire of these people to work for Indian traditions. But where in the Vedas is “Vedic mathematics” to be found? Nowhere. Vedic mathematics has no relation whatsoever to the Vedas. It actually originates from a book misleadingly titled Vedic Mathematics by Bharati Krishna Tirtha. The book admits on its first page that its title is misleading and that the (elementary arithmetic) algorithms expounded in the book have nothing to do with the Vedas. This is repeated on p. xxxv: “Obviously these formulas are not to be found in the present recensions of Atharvaveda.” I have been pointing this out since 1998. Regrettably, the advocates of “Vedic mathematics,” though they claim to champion Indian tradition, are ignorant of the actual tradition in the Vedas. Second, they do not even know what is stated in the book — the real source of “Vedic mathematics.” Third, they are unaware of scholarly writing on the subject. When education policy is decided by such ignorant people, they only end up making a laughing stock of themselves and the Vedas, and thus do a great disservice to the very tradition which they claim to champion.

Everyone learns how to add, subtract, multiply and divide in school. Why should we replace those algorithms with “Vedic mathematics”? Will that Indianise education? No. The standard arithmetic algorithms actually originated in India, where they were known by various names such as patiganita (slate arithmetic). However, the word “algorithm” comes from “algorithmus”: the Latinised name of al Khwarizmi of the 9th century House of Wisdom in Baghdad. He wrote an expository book on Indian arithmetic called Hisab al Hind. Gerbert d’Aurillac (later Pope Sylvester II), the leading European mathematician of the 10th century, imported these arithmetic techniques from the Umayyad Khilafat of Córdoba. He did so because the primitive Greek and Roman system of arithmetic (tied to the abacus), then prevailing in Europe, was no match for Indian arithmetic. However, accustomed to the abacus (on which he wrote a tome), Gerbert was perplexed by algorithms based on the place-value system, and foolishly got a special abacus (apices) constructed for these “Arabic numerals” in 976 CE. Hence the name “Arabic numerals” — because a learned pope amusingly thought there was some magic in the shape of the numerals which made arithmetic efficient.

Later, Florentine merchants realised that efficient Indian arithmetic algorithms conferred a competitive advantage in commerce. Fibonacci, who traded across Islamic Africa, translated al Khwarizmi’s work, as did many others, which is why they came to be known as algorithms. Eventually, after 600 years, Indian algorithms displaced the European abacus and were introduced in the Jesuit syllabus as “practical mathematics” circa 1570 by Christoph Clavius. These algorithms are found in many early Indian texts, such as the Patiganita of Sridhar or the Ganita Sara Sangraha of Mahavira, or the Lilavati of Bhaskara II. So, advocating “Vedic mathematics” as a replacement for traditional Indian arithmetic is hardly an act of nationalism. On the contrary, it only shows ignorance of the history of mathematics. Spreading this ignorance among future generations will weaken the nation, not strengthen it.

The techniques of “Vedic mathematics” are designed for mental arithmetic, traditionally used by lower caste artisans such as carpenters or by people like Shakuntala Devi. There are many other such systems of mental arithmetic today. If that is what we intend to promote, we should first do a systematic comparison. We should also be honest and refrain from using the misleading label “Vedic” which is the main selling point of Bharti Krishna Tirtha’s system, and which attracts gullible people who infer value just from the wrapper.

Suppressing real Mathematics

Promoting the wrongly labelled “Vedic mathematics” suppresses the mathematics that really does exist in the Vedas. For example, Yajurveda 17.2 elaborates on the decimal place value system (the basis of Indian algorithms) and some of those names for numbers are still in use, though terms such as arab (arbudam) have changed meaning. That passage shows that the place value system extends back to Vedic times, and it was a late acquisition only in mathematically backward Europe.

Likewise, the theory of permutations and combinations is built into the Vedic metre (and Indian music in general), as explained in various texts from Pingala’s Chandahsutra to Bhaskar’s Lilavati. The aksa sukta of the Rgveda gives a beautiful account of the game of dice, which is the foundation of the theory of probability. The romantic story of Nala and Damayanti in the Mahabharata further relates dice to sampling theory (to count the number of fruits in a tree).

More details are in my article on “Probability in Ancient India” available online and published in the Elsevier Handbook of the Philosophy of Statistics. However, all these scholarly efforts are jeopardised, for they too are viewed with suspicion.

We need to change the Western and colonial education system, especially with regard to mathematics. Traditional Indian ganita has much to offer in this process, but “Vedic mathematics” is definitely not the right way.

Wrong solutions like “Vedic mathematics” persist because an insecure political dispensation values the politically loyal over the learned who are loyal to the truth. (“Merit” apparently is important only in the context of reservations.) Such political processes are historically known to damage real traditions.

As I wrote over a decade ago in my book The Eleven Pictures of Time, those who attain or retain state power through religion are the worst enemies of that religion, whatever be the religion they claim to represent: Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism.

(C.K. Raju is author of Cultural Foundations of Mathematics. He was professor of mathematics, and Editorial Fellow of the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture.)



The Fraud of Vedic Maths

14 August 2010

Those who seriously still think ancient India had devised a parallel mathematical system need to acquaint themselves with an inventive Shankaracharya called Bharti Krishna Tirthaji.

BY Hartosh Singh Bal

The sutras, unfortunately, only reveal how little Tirathji knew of maths. But his quest was still forgivable

The sutras, unfortunately, only reveal how little Tirathji knew of maths. But his quest was still forgivable

In 1965, a book titled Vedic Mathematics was published in English. Since then, the subject has become an industry that shows no sign of diminishing. In its latest manifestation, parents who know no better are shelling out serious money in the hope that their children will become scientific geniuses. They really shouldn’t bother. The subject amounts to nothing more than a few cheap parlour tricks, and there is nothing Vedic about it. But the story of how it came to be makes for a fantastical tale. 

Bharti Krishna Tirthaji was born in 1884 with some talent for science and mathematics. But he eventually paid heed to a passion for Sanskrit and philosophy, and joined the Sringeri math in Mysore to study under its Shankaracharya. In 1925, he became a Shankaracharya himself. All through these years, he’d kept up his interest in science and mathematics. Many scholars before him had dismissed the Atharva Veda as arcane and difficult to understand, but Tirathji decided to spend time studying it in the belief that he could excavate the knowledge that he felt must lie there. 

After eight years of ‘deep’ contemplation, he claimed to have found 16 sutras which explained all of mathematics. He, it is said, then wrote 16 volumes on Vedic mathematics, one on each sutra. Mysteriously, just before their publication, the manuscripts were lost. But in 1960, the last year of his life, Tirathji managed to rewrite one volume which was published in 1965 as Vedic Mathematics.

As stories go, this is not a bad one, but the evidence does nothing to support it. The 16 sutras expounded by Tirathji do not appear in any known edition of the Atharva Veda. Tirathji’s defenders have claimed that Tirathji was so immersed in Vedic thought that he was able to glean what the Vedic seers had in mind even if it was not explicitly so stated anywhere in the Vedic corpus. If one were to actually concede this meeting of minds between Tirathji and the ancient Vedic seers, it would have the unfortunate consequence of implying that not just Tirathji but even these seers were limited in their mathematical understanding.

All the sutras largely do is make the burden of addition and multiplication faster (though never nearly as fast as the cheapest pocket calculator), and even that, they do at a cost. Students studying the traditional method of multiplication should ideally understand (and bad teachers themselves fail to grasp this) what multiplication is, how it works, and how it is in essence an act of repeated addition. Tirathji’s methods are just rules that make mathematics seem like a bunch of tricks which are easy to implement but difficult to understand.

Take, for example, the multiplication of 9 and 7. Line them along with their difference from 10. That is:

9–10 = –1 and 7–10 = –3




6   3

You obtain the answer in the following fashion: the unit’s digit is the two differences multiplied together, –1 x –3 = 3 and the other digit 6 is just either of the diagonals added together, that is, 9–3 = 7–1 = 6. This method can be extended to much larger numbers. It is a neat trick, but it does not make multiplication easier to fathom, quite the contrary.

Let us then set Tirathji’s claims aside. The 16 sutras expound all of mathematics no more than astrology expounds all of modern astronomy. So what drove him and his followers (who brought out the book) to make a claim so extreme based on so little? 

The answer lies in Tirathji’s times. The man was an early nationalist, and he worked with GK Gokhale in 1905 when the latter was president of the Indian National Congress. Among Gokhale’s initiatives was an effort to spread education among the Indian masses. Tirathji was caught between his devotion to the math and Gokhale’s vision. In 1908, he actually left the math to head a National College in Rajamahendri. 

Three years later, he went back to the math, but the experience would have left Tirathji with little choice but to confront the message that Englishmen such as Macaulay had so forcefully fashioned, that the ancient history and knowledge of India were worth nothing when set against the most elementary aspects of Western thought.  

To men like Tirathji, it was clear that if the secret of Western domination over India lay anywhere, it lay in the knowledge of the sciences, and mathematics stood at the heart this knowledge. What better answer to such hubris than to show that in fact all of mathematics had already been revealed in the Vedas? 

The sutras, unfortunately, only reveal how little Tirathji knew of mathematics. Today, they only symbolise the strivings of a colonised mind searching for some self-respect, and we can find their equivalent in the Sangh Parivar’s absurd attempts to search for the technology of the jet engine in the udankhatola of The Ramayan. At least Tirathji’s quest was far more understandable and forgivable, given his times, but that we Indians should still take it seriously only shows the extent to which our creative imagination remains colonised. How much better off we would be if we could forgo the portentous name given to these tricks and learn to enjoy them as a Shankaracharya’s fancy.



Neither Vedic Nor Mathematics
We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned by the continuing attempts to thrust the so-called `Vedic Mathematics' on the school curriculum by the NCERT. 

As has been pointed out earlier on several occasions, the so-called 'Vedic Mathematics' is neither 'Vedic' nor can it be dignified by the name of mathematics. 'Vedic Mathematics', as is well-known, originated with a book of the same name by a former Sankracharya of Puri (the late Jagadguru Swami Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj) published posthumously in 1965. The book assembled a set of tricks in elementary arithmetic and algebra to be applied in performing computations with numbers and polynomials. As is pointed out even in the foreword to the book by the General Editor, Dr. A.S. Agarwala, the aphorisms in Sanskrit to be found in the book have nothing to do with the Vedas. Nor are these aphorisms to be found in the genuine Vedic literature.

The term "Vedic mathematics'' is therefore entirely misleading and factually incorrect. Further, it is clear from the notation used in the arithmetical tricks in the book that the methods used in this text have nothing to do with the arithmetical techniques of antiquity. Many of the Sanskrit aphorisms in the book are totally cryptic (ancient Indian mathematical writing was anything but cryptic) and often so generalize to be devoid of any specific mathematical meaning. There are several authoritative texts on the mathematics of Vedic times that could used in part to teach an authoritative and correct account of ancient Indian mathematics but this book clearly cannot be used for any such purpose. The teaching of mathematics involves both the teaching of the basic concepts of the subject as well as methods of mathematical computation. The so-called "Vedic mathematics'' is entirely inadequate to this task considering that it is largely made up of tricks to do some elementary arithmetic computations. Many of these can be far more easily performed on a simple computer or even an advanced calculator.

The book "Vedic mathematics'' essentially deals with arithmetic of the middle and high-school level. Its claims that "there is no part of mathematics, pure or applied, which is beyond their jurisdiction'' is simply ridiculous. In an era when the content of mathematics teaching has to be carefully designed to keep pace with the general explosion of knowledge and the needs of other modern professions that use mathematical techniques, the imposition of ``Vedic mathematics'' will be nothing short of calamitous.

India today has active and excellent schools of research and teaching in mathematics that are at the forefront of modern research in their discipline with some of them recognised as being among the best in the world in their fields of research. It is noteworthy that they have cherished the legacy of distinguished Indian mathematicians like Srinivasa Ramanujam, V. K. Patodi, S. Minakshisundaram, Harish Chandra, K. G. Ramanathan, Hansraj Gupta, Syamdas Mukhopadhyay, Ganesh Prasad, and many others including several living Indian mathematicians. But not one of these schools has lent an iota of legitimacy to `Vedic mathematics'. Nowhere in the world does any school system teach "Vedic mathematics'' or any form of ancient mathematics for that matter as an adjunct to modern mathematical teaching. The bulk of such teaching belongs properly to the teaching of history and in particular the teaching of the history of the sciences.

We consider the imposition of `Vedic mathematics' by a Government agency, as the perpetration of a fraud on our children, condemning particularly those dependent on public education to a sub-standard mathematical education. Even if we assumed that those who sought to impose `Vedic mathematics' did so in good faith, it would have been appropriate that the NCERT seek the assistance of renowned Indian mathematicians to evaluate so-called "Vedic mathematics" before making it part of the National Curricular framework for School Education. Appallingly they have not done so. In this context we demand that the NCERT submit the proposal for the introduction of `Vedic mathematics in the school curriculum to recognized bodies of mathematical experts in India, in particular the National Board of Higher Mathematics (under the Dept. of Atomic Energy), and the Mathematics sections of the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Indian National Science Academy, for a thorough and critical examination. In the meanwhile no attempt should be made to thrust the subject into the school curriculum either through the centrally administered school system or by trying to impose it on the school systems of various States.

We are concerned that the essential thrust behind the campaign to introduce the so-called 'Vedic mathematics' has more to do with promoting a particular brand of religious majoritarianism and associated obscurantist ideas rather than any serious and meaningful development of mathematics teaching in India. We note that similar concerns have been expressed about other aspects too of the National Curricular Framework for School Education. We re-iterate our firm conviction that all teaching and pedagogy, not just the teaching of mathematics, must be founded on rational, scientific and secular principles.

S.G.Dani Professor of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Madhav M. Deshpande Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan
Indranil Biswas Professor of Mathematics at TIFR.
Nirmala B. Limaye Professor of Mathematics University of Mumbai
B.V. Limaye Professor of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Alladi Sitaram, Indian Statistical Institute, B'lore
S. Ramasubramanian, Indian Statistical Inst.,B'ore
V. Pati, Indian Statistical Inst., B'lore
G. Misra, Indian Statistical Inst., B'lore
Jishnu Biswas, Indian Statistical Inst., B'lore
D. P. Sengupta, Indian Inst. of Science(Retd.), B'lore
Alladi Uma, Dept. of English, Univ. of Hyderabad
M. Sridhar, Dept. of English, Univ. of Hyderabad
Amitava Bhattacharya
S.Subramanian, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai
Professor Nitin Nitsure,Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai